Domestic Pork “Tarameisui Pork”
Rearing Method
Raised in a farm near the Ariake Sea, fat on original feed made from high-quality underground water and breadcrumbs.
The Secret of it's Taste
1 water
2 breadcrumbs
3 environment
Successful in decreasing pig's distinct odor by using underground water taken in the same water vein as famous water sources from Japan's best 100 water veins.
1 water

2 breadcrumbs

underwater from Tara mountain
Original feed incarnates meticulous meat quality and a rich taste.
Using breadcrumbs provided by a major bakery business company, we created original feed mixtures with the feed production company.
Feed mother pigs with in-house manufactured rice.
Contribute to sustainability in recycling-oriented agriculture.
Project to utilize bamboo charcoal into feed and environment.
We cooperate with the industry, the government, and schools in order to solve the problem of neglected bamboo. Bamboo charcoal helps in deodorization, purification, humidity control, and creating better tasting pork.
Kyusyu University charcoal global education center:
Nakagawa bamboo project:,Ltd.:

in-house manufactured rice.
3 environment
feed with bamboo charcoal
bamboo charcoal
Farm promoting Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point(HACCP)
definition of HACCP:
It is important to improve the hygienic environment and coherent hygiene management from farm to consumers in order to improve the safety of livestock products. Our farm uses the HACCP method and management points to prevent hazards (microorganism,chemicals and extraneous material) and control hazards in the farm phase.

-2015 Achieved gold medal in contest “Hukuoka Good Quality Compost Competition“ held by Fukuoka prefecture.

Garnered good reviews from farmers who cultivate asparagus, mandarin orange, and tea.
Organic fertilizer is said to improver root spreads and increase the sweetness of the fruit.
Product such as “Black Vinegar Oranges” produced by Kanehiro Ltd. and”Jabara Squash” are available in Rakuten or Taratown Furusato Nozei which is a tax reduction given to taxpayers who donate to local municipalities.
Hizen Orange Shop:
Taratown Furusato nozei:
Hukuoka prefecture eco-farm certification